Son of a Spanish immigrant and a Rio was born on April 23 in the city of São Paulo, and received the baptismal name of Nelson H. Barbosa Silva.
It was a strange child, different from conventional, always distant, silent, observing and analyzing people and all that was around him. Until about four years old still not talking.
He began his studies in a public school, and because of their financial situation, he never wore a uniform or school supplies, why was the target of harassment of teachers. He worked in various departments: glazing, plating metal, offices, banks, and so on.
In addition to regular studies, he attended several libraries and acquired a vast culture. Debuted in professional theater as an actor in 1966, the play "The Good Soul of Tzu Suan" Brecht's "theater Maria Della Costa, and then worked in other plays.
He made an acting class for professional actors, with the Russian Eugenio Kusnet on the Stanislavski method.
In 1967 his father died, victim of a stroke.
Participated actively against the military dictatorship making demonstrations. demonstrations, distributing
pamphlets, holding talks, why, was severely beaten, severely.
Had a daughter from a youthful relationship, who searched several times, but who does not maintain current contact. He married and, after four years, divorced. He had other children. Participated in the struggle for political amnesty, and for direct elections. He participated in movements for the impeachment of President Collor. Throughout his life has been harsh criticism for a variety of sectors: political, artistic, media, NGOs, judiciary, public service, churches, etc..
Always fought against social injustice and misery of the people.
Hat thinker and ardent critic of the conventions and social problems.
He wrote a multitude of thoughts, neologisms, vulgarism, whose sentences have been adopted by many intellectuals and became part of everyday life of the people. In 2000, he lost his mother and one great friend. Skeptical of everything and everyone, was isolated. Currently, he writes some aphorisms and messages.
Some of his phrases:
"I am the dirty water from the fountain, where they drink artists, philosophers and other pseudointellectuals. I am a bad heat. "
"Who speaks ill of others has nothing to do but a lot to learn."
"The seductive beauty of life is to live between good and evil and make the right choices"
"The happy moments are rare, and we get them, those of sorrows come naturally to us."
"Friend not flatters, not humble, do not lie: though your thoughts are different."
"The youth no longer exists, when we begin to enjoy it"
"Life is the only true miracle that we always believe"
"I never bow to titles, professions and posses.Valorize the people what they have to offer: the good feelings, good deeds"
"The death is, in fairness to all, the only good legacy hard to be accepted and understood".
"Everyone who thinks very smart is actually a great fool".
"The ideal of the American government is to put the halter around the world in the name of a false freedom"
"Feeling mother no one set and, nor, cut off or destroy. Are the most indissoluble ties and deep there.
"The only thing we truly have is life, the rest is a utopian return."
"There are angels on earth less than the sky and certainly much more rogues."
"It's not only politicians who think that people are stupid, the authors of novels, too."
"In Brazil who speaks two or three languages is called smart, but not able to speak correctly, or the Portuguese."
"Those who seek only the material greatness and smallness are only moral.
Copyright Reserved
Nelson Barh
It was a strange child, different from conventional, always distant, silent, observing and analyzing people and all that was around him. Until about four years old still not talking.
He began his studies in a public school, and because of their financial situation, he never wore a uniform or school supplies, why was the target of harassment of teachers. He worked in various departments: glazing, plating metal, offices, banks, and so on.
In addition to regular studies, he attended several libraries and acquired a vast culture. Debuted in professional theater as an actor in 1966, the play "The Good Soul of Tzu Suan" Brecht's "theater Maria Della Costa, and then worked in other plays.
He made an acting class for professional actors, with the Russian Eugenio Kusnet on the Stanislavski method.
In 1967 his father died, victim of a stroke.
Participated actively against the military dictatorship making demonstrations. demonstrations, distributing
pamphlets, holding talks, why, was severely beaten, severely.
Had a daughter from a youthful relationship, who searched several times, but who does not maintain current contact. He married and, after four years, divorced. He had other children. Participated in the struggle for political amnesty, and for direct elections. He participated in movements for the impeachment of President Collor. Throughout his life has been harsh criticism for a variety of sectors: political, artistic, media, NGOs, judiciary, public service, churches, etc..
Always fought against social injustice and misery of the people.
Hat thinker and ardent critic of the conventions and social problems.
He wrote a multitude of thoughts, neologisms, vulgarism, whose sentences have been adopted by many intellectuals and became part of everyday life of the people. In 2000, he lost his mother and one great friend. Skeptical of everything and everyone, was isolated. Currently, he writes some aphorisms and messages.
Some of his phrases:
"I am the dirty water from the fountain, where they drink artists, philosophers and other pseudointellectuals. I am a bad heat. "
"Who speaks ill of others has nothing to do but a lot to learn."
"The seductive beauty of life is to live between good and evil and make the right choices"
"The happy moments are rare, and we get them, those of sorrows come naturally to us."
"Friend not flatters, not humble, do not lie: though your thoughts are different."
"The youth no longer exists, when we begin to enjoy it"
"Life is the only true miracle that we always believe"
"I never bow to titles, professions and posses.Valorize the people what they have to offer: the good feelings, good deeds"
"The death is, in fairness to all, the only good legacy hard to be accepted and understood".
"Everyone who thinks very smart is actually a great fool".
"The ideal of the American government is to put the halter around the world in the name of a false freedom"
"Feeling mother no one set and, nor, cut off or destroy. Are the most indissoluble ties and deep there.
"The only thing we truly have is life, the rest is a utopian return."
"There are angels on earth less than the sky and certainly much more rogues."
"It's not only politicians who think that people are stupid, the authors of novels, too."
"In Brazil who speaks two or three languages is called smart, but not able to speak correctly, or the Portuguese."
"Those who seek only the material greatness and smallness are only moral.
Copyright Reserved
Nelson Barh